ORF of double homeobox 2 (DUX2) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
KRTAP4-9; KAP4.9
ORF of keratin associated protein 4-9 (KRTAP4-9) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
ORF of cell division cycle 25 homolog A (S. pombe) (CDC25A), transcript variant 1 in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
ORF of keratin associated protein 5-8 (KRTAP5-8) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
OR10G9; OR10G10P
Homo sapiens olfactory receptor, family 10, subfamily G, member 9 (OR10G9), mRNA.
KIAA0889; C20orf117; dJ132F21.1; FLJ44670; SOGA
ORF of KIAA0889 (KIAA0889), transcript variant 2 in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
FEZF2; FEZ; FEZL; FKSG36; FLJ10142; TOF; ZFP312; ZNF312
ORF of FEZ family zinc finger 2 (FEZF2) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.
METTL11B; C1orf184; NTM1B
ORF of methyltransferase like 11B (METTL11B) in pEnter, with C terminal Flag and His tag.